Will this be a good Christmas?
How will you measure it?
Of course, Christmas is a profoundly important day of worship to devout Christians, so a "good" Christmas must include a meaningful religious connection with the teachings of Jesus. But for many Christians and non-Christians, there are other dimensions to this day.
In fact, Christmas is more than a single day; it's a season involving weeks of preparation and celebration devoted to family, friendships and most important of all, a grand vision of " Peace on earth and goodwill toward men."
To me, a good Christmas is one that helps us become better people so we can have better lives and a better society. On a personal level, the optimism, good cheer and goodwill embodied in the Christmas spirit are antidotes to selfishness and superficiality. They can help us find purpose and meaning in love, kindness, charity, gratitude and forgiveness.
On a social level, a good Christmas is one where we can say we've made meaningful progress combating homelessness, hunger and poverty. It would also be a good Christmas if we truly overcame the fears, suspicions and prejudices that may be hindering our expression of goodwill to all men, regardless of their ethnicity, national origin or personal religion.
So I hope you'll make this Christmas a good one!